My friends tell me, no need to give so much lar..what for...Well, I am a lover, when I love someone, I will try to love and care wholeheartedly. When I am committed I will do what I can to make that person happy...of cos in within my principles lar..ha ha...but when that person puts you second or third in their list, you will need to think twice whether it is worth it or not...I guess the answer is NO..but it is not easy when it comes to love...So, I will forever remind myself that I will appreciate and love those and give to those that really deserve my love for them..
So the saying "I hate being put second to those I put first" basically means this..WHEN someone puts you second, put them second or third..yeah is mean but hey we are all living in a mean mean world..soooo...don't make yourself difficult and sad and yourself a favor, Love those who loves you, Put those who puts you first FIRST....and you will be much much happier...